Premier League : Manchester City nata Liverpool amâ chadai pazao lymâ!
Pachyhzâ Premier League akhaihna liata Liverpool ta a tla hapa, Huddersfield cha 5-0 ta pahniepa ta, Premier League liata Manchester City chhaopa ta hmia amâ kaw sah tawhta, Abeipanoh zâ liata Manchester City ta, vâhneina to heihpa ta, Burnley cha 1-0 ta pahniepa ta, Liverpool ama kaw chhao ha heih.
EPL Nyungiapa chalo awpa ta arâpasuana a sie lymâpa liata, Liverpool nata Manchester City ta hmiasahtuhpa duasu a kaw chhu lymâ ei ta. Manchester City heta ei 36 akhaihna tawhta Point 92 hmô ei ta, Liverpool chhao heta ei 36 akhaihna tawhta Point 91 ama hmô. Amâ hliena he Point 1 deita a châ.
Khaih (match) 2 deita akhaih awpa kaw y bâ ta. He liana zy heta Man City heta pahniena ama to khai khiahta cha Nyungiapa pabohsa aw ei ta; anodeikua, ama tlô leipa tlyma, amâ pahniethaipa tlyma a châ khiahta cha, Liverpool châta ryhpaohna lai kawpa a tlô thei pyly hra.
Liverpool heta 4 May 2019 ta Newcastle United hmiachhy aw ei ta, 12 May 2019 liata Wolves ama hmiachhy aw.
Manchester City heta 6 May 2019 ta Leicester City hmiachhy aw ei ta, 12 May 2019-pa Brighton ama hmiachhy aw.
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